Leap Forward (+ 8 Avis clients) | Sortlist
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Leap Forward

Gand, Belgique
Helping organisations craft better customer experiences.
We're a team of creatives, researchers, engineers, and teachers committed to crafting experiences that make people happy and help your organisation grow. With over 10 years of experience, we believe in co-creation and putting the customer at the centre of the process. Across all our services we're driven to do the right thing, the right way. Creating impact Everything you do has an effect on someone or something. We're excited to work with you to make a positive impact. Invested in people As a design-driven company, we want to make people's lives better and create meaningful experiences for them. Experts in digital Over the last decade we've launched countless successful products, services and experiences. Our experts share a passion for all things digital.
48 personnes dans leur équipe
Parle Anglais, Français, Néerlandais
23 projets dans leur portefeuille
1 collaborations commencées sur Sortlist
Travaille à distance à travers le monde
Membre Sortlist depuis 2020
Fondée en 2017
2 prix décernés


20 services offerts par Leap Forward

Nom du service
Niveau d'expérience

Avis clients connexes
À partir de

  • Description
    With over a decade experience in creating top notch mobile applications we can help you prototype, design and build your mobile application.

    We believe in a human-centered design approach, where we work closely together with your team and your clients or customers.
    From UX/UI design and prototyping to a fully developed mobile application, we've got you covered.
    Compétences en Application mobile (6)
    DesignWeb application developmentMobile DesignMobile App DevelopmentMobile Application DevelopmentWeb Development
    Projets en Application mobile (5)
    Slim naar Antwerpen - Application mobile
    Recycle App - Application mobile
    NIBC app - Application mobile
    Smappee app - Application mobile
    Avis client en Application mobile (1)
    Bart Panneels
    Clients en Application mobile (5)
    MinggoRessources humaines | national
    SmappeeMatériel et Equipement IT
    Stad AntwerpenGouvernement et administration | national
    Bebat, FostplusSans but lucratif | regional

    En savoir plus sur Application mobile

  • Description
    In UX design, we design in a human-centred way. That means we put the user first, from beginning to end of the design process. From user research and personal creation to wireframing and brainstorming, UX design is a service that lies at the core of what we stand for at Leap Forward: great customer experiences.

    By testing and validating a prototype early in the production process, you can quickly detect errors and avoid future costs while still building your digital product. This even allows you to test multiple variants and select the best option, improving the quality and certainty of your design.

    UI design is about how people interact with a computer or software. Today we interact with more screens than ever before. Think about tablets, smartwatches, e-readers, smartphones… The average person spends about 3 hours a day on their smartphone alone. All this makes UI design increasingly important when building modern digital products, as a great interface leads to better conversions and user retention.
    Compétences en Ergonomie (UX/UI) (15)
    User ResearchUser TestingUser Interface DesignUXuser experience optimizationui uxUX Optimizationux expertsUX optimizationUser Experience Optimization+5
    Projets en Ergonomie (UX/UI) (19)
    Deliverect - Ergonomie (UX/UI)
    Slim naar Antwerpen - Ergonomie (UX/UI)
    Recycle App - Ergonomie (UX/UI)
    Teamleader website - Ergonomie (UX/UI)
    Avis clients en Ergonomie (UX/UI) (2)
    Alexander Cosman
    Emiel Huughe
    Clients en Ergonomie (UX/UI) (19)
    DeliverectLogiciels et services informatiques | international
    ItinariVoyage et Loisirs | international
    ZeticonMédias | international
    CevoraÉducation | national

    En savoir plus sur Ergonomie (UX/UI)

  • Description
    Motion makes content more engaging, whether it’s a corporate explainer video or event trailer, and allows you to easily turn facts and figures into stories your audience can connect with. We offer motion services from start to finish - everything from initial concepts and storyboarding to sound design and finished immersive motion experiences.
    Compétences en Animation (18)
    Online VideoStoryboardMotion GraphicsDesign Sonoreanimation advertisingmarketing video productionanimation designOnline BrandingIdentity DesignMotion+8
    Projets en Animation (19)
    Metal Packaging Europe - Animation
    PSA - Animation
    Teamleader - Animation
    Hack The Future - The Heist - Animation
    Avis client en Animation (1)
    Nele Peeters
    Clients en Animation (19)
    TeamleaderLogiciels et services informatiques | international
    PSATransport | local
    TeamleaderLogiciels et services informatiques | international
    Metal Packaging EuropeTransport | international

    En savoir plus sur Animation

  • Description
    Branding your company or product is about giving it an identity. At Leap Forward, we believe in a customer-centred and co-creational approach to branding. We look at your company from all possible angles, both internally and externally, and assess what it is that defines your place in the market and your relationship with your customers.
    Compétences en Image de marque & branding (19)
    marketing designOnline BrandingBrand AwarenessBrand Designlogo designbrand designbrand strategystorytellingbrand awarenessdigital design+9
    Projets en Image de marque & branding (9)
    Deliverect - Image de marque & branding
    Teamleader website - Image de marque & branding
    Techwolf - Image de marque & branding
    NIBC app - Image de marque & branding
    Avis clients en Image de marque & branding (2)
    Jochen Vanpoeyer
    Nicola Nauwynck
    Clients en Image de marque & branding (9)
    TechwolfInternet | international
    NIBCBanque et Finance | national
    BebatSans but lucratif | national
    Vlaamse overheidGouvernement et administration | national

    En savoir plus sur Image de marque & branding

  • Description
    Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the process of growing the quality and quantity of website traffic by increasing the site's visibility to users and search engines.

    If you have something to hide, the second page of Google search results might be the best place. If not, SEO is a vital tool to ensure potential customers can find you online. Optimising your web platform for search engines involves a variety of steps that focus on key words, good site architecture, and ticking certain boxes with regard to the front end development of your site.
    Compétences en Référencement naturel (17)
    keywords managementmarketing channel optimizationgoogle seokeywords researchseo managementdigital onlineseo consultingdigital campaignweb searchwebsite marketing+7
    Projet en Référencement naturel (1)
    Deliverect - Référencement naturel
    Client en Référencement naturel (1)
    DeliverectLogiciels et services informatiques | international

    En savoir plus sur Référencement naturel

  • Description
    Digital transformation & strategy is the process of using digital technologies to modify or create customer experiences or business processes in order to meet changing business and market requirements. It's a reimagining of business in the digital age.

    Digital transformation begins and ends with your customer, as technological change is driven by emerging customer expectations. Organisations have to reimagine how they do business and engage their customers with digital technology on their side. Whether you’re a new start-up or a long-existing corporation with a great legacy, it’s important to future-proof your business processes and meet these new customer expectations.
    Compétences en Stratégie digitale (16)
    innovationbrand strategybrand awarenesswebsite marketingmarketing designstrategic marketingservice designproduct marketinginnovation managementbrand authority+6
    Projets en Stratégie digitale (7)
    Deliverect - Stratégie digitale
    Slim naar Antwerpen - Stratégie digitale
    Recycle App - Stratégie digitale
    Teamleader website - Stratégie digitale
    Avis clients en Stratégie digitale (2)
    Michiel Kenis
    Wouter Verpoest
    Clients en Stratégie digitale (7)
    BebatSans but lucratif | national
    Vlaamse overheidGouvernement et administration | national
    DeliverectLogiciels et services informatiques | international
    Stad AntwerpenGouvernement et administration | national

    En savoir plus sur Stratégie digitale

  • Description

    Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.

    Compétences en Réseaux sociaux (1)
    Video Marketing
    Projet en Réseaux sociaux (1)
    Hack The Future - The Heist - Réseaux sociaux
    Client en Réseaux sociaux (1)
    Hack The FutureÉvénements et Spectacles | regional

    En savoir plus sur Réseaux sociaux

  • Description

    Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.

    Compétences en Publicité en ligne (1)
    Projets en Publicité en ligne (2)
    Hack The Future - The Heist - Publicité en ligne
    Deliverect - Publicité en ligne
    Clients en Publicité en ligne (2)
    Hack The FutureÉvénements et Spectacles | regional
    DeliverectLogiciels et services informatiques | international

    En savoir plus sur Publicité en ligne

  • Description

    Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.

    Compétences en Rédaction et traduction (1)

    En savoir plus sur Rédaction et traduction

  • Description

    Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.

    Compétences en Design & graphisme (2)
    Logo DesignDigital Design
    Projets en Design & graphisme (8)
    Recycle App - Design & graphisme
    Teamleader website - Design & graphisme
    Intuo - Design & graphisme
    Techwolf - Design & graphisme
    Clients en Design & graphisme (8)
    IntuoMarketing & Publicité | international
    Bebat, FostplusSans but lucratif | regional
    TechwolfInternet | international
    NIBCBanque et Finance | national

    En savoir plus sur Design & graphisme

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48 membres dans l'équipe de Leap Forward

Leap Forward cover
HistoireWe're a team of creatives, researchers, software engineers, and teachers committed to crafting experiences that make people happy and help your organisation grow.
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Leap Forward a été récompensé 2 fois

Henry van de Velde Award 20192019-10-31Best Digital Product

Henry van de Velde Award 20202020-9-30Best Digital Product

Avis clients

8 Avis clients pour Leap Forward

(8 avis clients)
Jochen VanpoeyerCMO chez Mobilexpense
ServiceImage de marque & branding
SecteurLogiciels et services informatiques
Équipe51 - 200

Quel était l'objectif de votre collaboration ?We worked together with Leap Forward on the rebranding of our company (putting 2 brands under 1 umbrella) and at the same time we worked on creating a website that clearly explains what we stand for and is optimised for conversions.

Qu'avez-vous le plus apprécié pendant votre collaboration ?Everything. The people are great, the expertise is great and of course the outcome was also top notch.

Jochen Vanpoeyer recommande cette agence

ServiceImage de marque & branding
SecteurLogiciels et services informatiques
Équipe51 - 200

Bart PanneelsCommunication Advisor chez Fost Plus
ServiceApplication mobile
SecteurBiens et services industriels
Équipe51 - 200

Quel était l'objectif de votre collaboration ?Leap Forward reworked and redesigned our existing app in a complex and quickly evolving IT landscape.

Qu'avez-vous le plus apprécié pendant votre collaboration ?They are very passionate about the product, always aiming for better whether it concerns UX or a solid IT backbone.

Bart Panneels recommande cette agence

ServiceApplication mobile
SecteurBiens et services industriels
Équipe51 - 200

Alexander CosmanSoftware engineer chez BMSvision
ServiceErgonomie (UX/UI)
SecteurLogiciels et services informatiques
Équipe51 - 200

Quel était l'objectif de votre collaboration ?We wanted to create a company style guide, so all our web applications have the same look and feel. So there was a design part and an implementation part.

Qu'avez-vous le plus apprécié pendant votre collaboration ?The best part was the open communication between our developers and the developer/designer of Leap Forward. This way we have learned a lot from their experience and it also resulted in a better final version of the component library.

Y a-t-il des domaines où l'agence peut s'améliorer ?If I have to say something: Sometimes we asked the people of leap forward for minor additional tasks, after some time we needed to remind them of this task. Maybe make a habbit of directly adding these tasks as a ticket in favro could further improve the collaboration.

Alexander Cosman recommande cette agence

ServiceErgonomie (UX/UI)
SecteurLogiciels et services informatiques
Équipe51 - 200

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Coordonnées de Leap Forward



  • Siège socialSint-Salvatorstraat 18, 9000 Gent, Belgium