DESIGNREPUBLIC (+ 10 Avis clients) | Sortlist


Saint-Gilles, Belgique
We create 'Good Branding!'
We are a full service design agency specialised in branding & brand positioning. DesignRepublic is an experienced, yet young at heart, branding agency located in Brussels, Belgium. Since the creation of the agency in 2009 we work for a diverse range of customers, from multinationals, SME's and local start-ups. We create brands from scratch, develop complete corporate identities, work on re-branding or brand uplifting, create the concept and story behind the identity, translate this branding in attractive packaging design and/or look and feel of the website and social media. We have a lot of expertise in FMCG while, at the same time, we have developed a strong expertise in corporate identity branding and sustainable packaging. Our biggest strength is to combine creativity with a down to earth attitude, resulting in a design that is contemporary, attractive for its audience and has all the potential for becoming glorious.
7 personnes dans leur équipe
Parle Anglais, Français, Néerlandais
20 projets dans leur portefeuille
2 collaborations commencées sur Sortlist
Travaille à distance à travers le monde
Membre Sortlist depuis 2020
Fondée en 2009
5 prix décernés
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4 services offerts par DESIGNREPUBLIC

Nom du service
Niveau d'expérience

Avis clients connexes
À partir de

  • Description
    We create brands from scratch, going from: naming - logo design -the story behind the brand - the positioning - packaging design - look & feel websites - content creation social media

    We rejuvenate or rebrand exisiting brands going from a brand evolution to a possible brand revolution
    Compétences en Image de marque & branding (56)
    Co-brandingMessagingTarget Market DefinitionUniques Attributes DefinitionB2C PositioningIdeal Customer Profile DefinitionB2B PositioningGraphic Design ServicesLogo RetouchingNewsletter Design+46
    Projets en Image de marque & branding (19)
    Le Palais de la Truffe - Image de marque & branding
    GVC LAW Corporate Identity - Image de marque & branding
    NOLLA, natural cosmetics - Image de marque & branding
    City  Welcome Guide Brussels Concept Creation - Image de marque & branding
    Avis clients en Image de marque & branding (3)
    Jean-Francois Cambier
    Barbara Oliveira
    Christophe Janssens
    Clients en Image de marque & branding (19)
    DelioAlimentaire | international
    Bamboo GoodnessAlimentaire | international
    DelhaizeVente au détail | international
    CBG - ELVEAAlimentaire | international

    En savoir plus sur Image de marque & branding

  • Description
    We create graphic design that fits with the story of your brand and reflects your brand identity
    Compétences en Design & graphisme (32)
    logo brandingBrandingCreative ConceptIllustrationBrand ArchitectureDesignStorytellingLogo DesignBrand DevelopmentPackaging Design+22
    Projets en Design & graphisme (19)
    Le Palais de la Truffe - Design & graphisme
    GVC LAW Corporate Identity - Design & graphisme
    NOLLA, natural cosmetics - Design & graphisme
    City  Welcome Guide Brussels Concept Creation - Design & graphisme
    Avis clients en Design & graphisme (3)
    Charlotte Vandermeulen
    Maxime Khamnei
    Diane Noyes
    Clients en Design & graphisme (19)
    DelioAlimentaire | international
    Bamboo GoodnessAlimentaire | international
    DelhaizeVente au détail | international
    CBG - ELVEAAlimentaire | international

    En savoir plus sur Design & graphisme

  • Description
    We create the identity for your brand or corporation that reflects your values.
    Compétences en Identité Graphique (12)
    Brand Identity DesignBrand NamingCorporate Identity DesignBrand CreationBrand BuildingBranding Graphic DesignGraphic IdentityCorporate IdentityVisual IdentityIdentity Design+2
    Projets en Identité Graphique (6)
    Le Palais de la Truffe - Identité Graphique
    GVC LAW Corporate Identity - Identité Graphique
    NOLLA, natural cosmetics - Identité Graphique
    City  Welcome Guide Brussels Concept Creation - Identité Graphique
    Clients en Identité Graphique (6)
    The Farmchix CompanyAlimentaire | national
    NollaBeauté | national
    GVC Law Practice BrusselsServices juridiques | international
    VGC Vlaamse Gemeenschaps CommissieGouvernement et administration | local

    En savoir plus sur Identité Graphique

  • Description
    DesignRepublic offers branding, brand positioning, storytelling and we translate all that in beautiful packaging design
    Compétences en Packaging (18)
    Sustainable PackagingCustom PackagingRetail PackagingE-Commerce PackagingBranding PositioningPackaging DesignGraphic PackagingEco-friendly PackagingProtective PackagingBeverage Packaging+8
    Projets en Packaging (5)
    NOLLA, natural cosmetics - Packaging
    HIZLI, halal chick'n - Packaging
    Vegan Chocomousse packaging by DesignRepublic - Packaging
    BIGH Aquaponic Farm - Packaging
    Clients en Packaging (5)
    BIGHAgriculture | regional
    AKKO Conscious FamilywearAccessoires & vêtements | international
    Herman DesseertsAlimentaire | national
    The Farmchix CompanyAlimentaire | national

    En savoir plus sur Packaging

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7 membres dans l'équipe de DESIGNREPUBLIC

HistoireWe are a boutique-style agency that values a warm and familial atmosphere on the shop floor. We are a team of highly skilled people from different disciplines, with a deep desire to learn more every single day.
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DESIGNREPUBLIC a été récompensé 5 fois

PENTAWARDS 2024 Shortlisted2024-5-1Sustainable Design
PENTAWARD GOLD 222022-9-30




Avis clients

10 Avis clients pour DESIGNREPUBLIC

(10 avis clients)
Maxime Khamnei
Maxime KhamneiTransformation Manager chez I Gialli e Rossi (Le palais de la Truffe)
ServiceDesign & graphisme
Équipe1 - 10

Quel était l'objectif de votre collaboration ?The objective was to firstly update our logo that was becoming old and outdated, secondly, create a visual/graphic identity for our company (in line with our positioning) and thirdly to develop a new catalogue/portfolio to showcase our products for B2B clients in a really ecstatic and efficient way.

Qu'avez-vous le plus apprécié pendant votre collaboration ?1) The proactivity of DesignRepublic to come up with new ideas and advices. 2) The guidance and presence of DesignRepublic during the shooting session with the photograph to be sure that everything will be perfect

Y a-t-il des domaines où l'agence peut s'améliorer ?Keep going, you are on the right track 🚀

Maxime Khamnei recommande cette agence

ServiceDesign & graphisme
Équipe1 - 10

Christophe JuchtmansProduct developper chez Foodigan

Quel était l'objectif de votre collaboration ?We had a previous brand that needed a new name and a new design, to look more professional and appealing, and for a better positioning.

Qu'avez-vous le plus apprécié pendant votre collaboration ?Contact with the team at Design Republic was very friendly and professional. They understood quickly what we needed and came up with propositions accordingly.

Christophe Juchtmans recommande cette agence

SecteurAccessoires & vêtements
Équipe1 - 10

Quel était l'objectif de votre collaboration ?We were rebranding and needed world-class branding for our new name.

Qu'avez-vous le plus apprécié pendant votre collaboration ?The communication, understanding of our needs and of course, the outcome.

DESIGNREPUBLIC réponse :Brigitte it is great to see how you conquer the world bit by bit with Akko! Collaborating with you went soo smooth and we love the outcome 🥰

BRIGITTE KANKO recommande cette agence

SecteurAccessoires & vêtements
Équipe1 - 10

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  • Siège socialAv. Brugmann 12A, 1060 Saint-Gilles, Belgium
