PAN.AGENCY (+ 3 reviews) | Sortlist


Antwerpen, België
A digital marketing partner, not just a provider.
PAN People And Numbers PAN staat voor People And Numbers, en benadrukt onze visie dat mensen het verschil maken wanneer we spreken over cijfers. De toewijding van ons team is de belangrijkste drijvende kracht achter concrete en meetbare resultaten voor onze klanten. Waar wij in geloven Bij PAN geloven we in het behandelen van onze klanten alsof ze deel uitmaken van ons team. We geloven dat de beste oplossingen voortkomen uit samenwerking, volledige transparantie en het delen van onze deskundige kennis. Zoals Seneca zei: "Terwijl we les geven, leren we", en wij geloven dat dit waar is. We zorgen ervoor dat we blijven leren en elkaar en onze klanten onderweg bijleren. Wat wij doen Wij creëren en voeren marketingstrategieën uit voor internationale merken. We zorgen ervoor dat dingen gebeuren, van merkstrategie tot het creëren van content, beheer van sociale media en advertenties. We combineren deze verschillende expertisegebieden om de online aanwezigheid van onze klanten te versterken. Wat ons anders maakt Onze oprichters zijn PAN gestart na vele jaren te hebben gewerkt in interne marketingteams, en die ervaring heeft de speciale manier gevormd waarop we samenwerken met klanten: als teamleden. We werken nauw samen met SEO-experts, content schrijvers en andere digitale marketingprofessionals in meer dan 40 landen. Als one-stop-shop voor echt lokale SEO wereldwijd helpen we merken om internationale markten net zo succesvol te benaderen als hun eigen thuismarkt. Dat is behoorlijk bijzonder. ------------------ PAN People And Numbers PAN stands for People And Numbers, and underscores our vision that people make the difference when it comes to numbers. That the dedication of our team is the main force that drives concrete, measurable results for our clients. Things we believe in At PAN, we believe in treating our clients like they’re on our team. We believe the best solutions come from working together, being fully transparent, sharing our expert knowledge. Seneca said: ‘While we teach, we learn’ and we believe that to be true. We make sure we continue to learn and teach each other and our clients along the way. Things we do We create and execute marketing strategies for international brands. We make things happen, from brand strategy to content creation, social media management and advertising. We combine these different areas of expertise to boost the online presence of our clients. Things that make us different Our founders started PAN after many years of working on in-house marketing teams, and that experience has shaped the special way we partner with clients: as team members. We work closely together with SEO experts, content writers and other digital marketing professionals in over 40 countries. As a one-stop shop for truly local SEO worldwide, we help brands target international markets as successfully as their home market. Which is also rather special.
6 mensen in hun team
Spreekt Engels, Frans, Italiaans, Nederlands
7 projecten in hun portfolio
Werkt op afstand over de hele wereld
Sortlist lid sinds 2017
Opgericht in 2013
8 awards gewonnen


13 diensten aangeboden door PAN.AGENCY

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Niveau van ervaring

Gerelateerde beoordelingen

  • Beschrijving
    Local SEO Worldwide

    To achieve a structural improvement in the online visibility of our clients, we use a combination of SEO strategy and tactics, including long-term objectives and daily tasks. Everything we do is based on data. Our goal is to deliver outstanding performance in the three pillars of SEO:
    - Advanced technical SEO
    - Targeted content
    - Increased popularity through quality links

    What makes our work even more challenging and exciting, is the global scale of our SEO efforts. Our clients are international brands. One of the reasons they work with us, is our network of local SEO experts and content creators in over 40 countries, which enables us to target their international audiences in the most authentic and effective way.

    When it comes to international SEO, we realise above average results for our
    clients through:
    * Technical optimization
    We make sure websites are correctly crawled and indexed by search engines
    through optimizing URL structures and Hreflang implementation.
    * In-region keyword research
    Virtually anyone can do keyword research for every country in the world, but our
    local SEO experts will do this faster, more effectively and often more creatively.
    They can better assess the outcome of their efforts thanks to first-hand knowledge
    of their home market, industries, and local search habits.
    * International content creation
    Our local content writers don’t just translate, they write authentic, in-language
    content for their home market. Only a native copywriter, immersed daily in their
    own culture, will be able to hit the right chord with fellow nationals.
    * Localized link building
    When it comes to boosting international SEO rankings, search engines prefer local
    links. Our in-region SEO experts will get relevant, high-quality backlinks from
    local websites in an organic way.

    Tap into a global network of local SEO experts
    Are you looking for a full-service digital marketing agency with vast international
    expertise? Check us out. Contact PAN for a free assessment of your international
    Skills in SEO (41)
    SEO AnalyseOff Page SEOproject managementWhite Hat SEOOnline ContentMobile SEOSEO ConsultingEcommerce SEOTechnical SEOSEO Strategy+31
    Projecten in SEO (4)
    International SEO 4 countries 🇫🇷 🇮🇹 🇧🇪 🇪🇸 - SEO
    Steady growth once Content Marketing in place - SEO
    E-commerce site SEO from scratch - SEO
    Content Marketing activity on sports betting site - SEO
    Reviews in SEO (3)
    Andrea Crusco
    Jerry van Es
    Tom Claes
    Klanten in SEO (4)
    UndisclosedEntertainment & Events | international
    UndisclosedEntertainment & Events | international
    ImesE-commerce | international
    UndisclosedEnergiebedrijven | international

    Meer informatie over SEO

  • Beschrijving
    Content that converts
    With over 20 years of experience, we’ve learned a lot about what works and
    what doesn’t in content marketing. We help our clients develop effective
    content strategies, we create and distribute high volume quality content, and we
    continuously measure and improve the performance of our efforts.

    Tailored content creation for global audiences
    Our global network of content writers allows us to tap into a wide array of
    industry and local market expertise. We have experience creating customized
    content in 40 countries around the globe. Our in-language content goes way
    beyond simple translations.
    To make sales stories resonate on a local level, the help of local content writers
    and designers who are immersed in their local culture is essential. Their
    mission is not just to adapt content but to create new content that elicits the
    same emotional response in the target language as it does in the source
    language. What transcreation adds to localisation is, in one word: creativity.

    Content planning and distribution
    Our process of content planning, creation and distribution is efficient and
    hassle-free. Our years of experience have taught us the best way to streamline
    content creation and we use systems that provide our clients with continuous,
    up-to-date views of their progress.
    Skills in Content Strategy (69)
    Translation ServicesBlogging StrategyThai TranslationKorean TranslationTurkish TranslationChinese TranslationJapanese TranslationRussian TranslationVietnamese TranslationBrand Guidelines+59
    Projecten in Content Strategy (4)
    International SEO 4 countries 🇫🇷 🇮🇹 🇧🇪 🇪🇸 - Content Strategy
    Steady growth once Content Marketing in place - Content Strategy
    E-commerce site SEO from scratch - Content Strategy
    Content Marketing activity on sports betting site - Content Strategy
    Klanten in Content Strategy (4)
    ImesE-commerce | international
    UndisclosedEntertainment & Events | international
    UndisclosedEntertainment & Events | international
    UndisclosedEnergiebedrijven | international

    Meer informatie over Content Strategy

  • Beschrijving
    Maximizing conversions while minimizing costs-per-click
    We like to spend our clients’ money wisely. When it comes to online advertising,
    this means that:
    - We create PPC strategies that integrate with their other online marketing
    - We place ads strategically on a variety of platforms to make their products
    and services highly visible to the right audiences.
    - We navigate all PPC technicalities.
    - We stay up-to-date on the latest best practices.
    - We continuously analyze and optimize.
    - We make sure that our clients get the best PPC deals.

    Campaign creation and management
    Online advertising success begins with fnding the right keywords. We research and
    identify keywords that have the potential to provide the most relevant traffic and
    best ROI.
    The next step is creating ad campaigns that stand out. Our specialized PPC
    copywriters provide multiple ad variations to achieve the highest conversion rates
    and craft landing pages that boost conversions. Our global network of local
    copywriters adapts advertising strategies to fit the specific needs of international
    markets. We have experience in creating international paid search campaigns in
    over 40 countries.
    From setting up automated retargeting to crafting effective remarketing messages,
    we create and manage campaigns that keep brands and products top of mind. And
    as part of our ongoing campaign monitoring, we provide regular reports and review
    Skills in Online Advertising (7)
    SEASocial Media AdvertisingApp AdvertisingGoogle AdsSearch Engine AdvertisingGoogle ShoppingRetargeting
    Projecten in Online Advertising (3)
    Promote opening of new fuel stations - Online Advertising
    Setup & Manage Google Ads campaigns across Europe - Online Advertising
    Agile Setup Google Ads campaigns to test market - Online Advertising
    Klanten in Online Advertising (3)
    UndisclosedEnergie en Olie | national
    UndisclosedIndustriële Goederen en Diensten | international
    UndisclosedEnergie en Olie | national

    Meer informatie over Online Advertising

  • Beschrijving
    CRO... How we turn visitors into customers

    If there’s a secret behind conversion rate optimization it’s this: make people happy.
    Provide your website visitors with fascinating content, exciting promises,
    and a smooth, straight road to conversion.

    This, of course, is hard work.

    To optimize conversion rates, you have to know what to optimize, where to
    optimize and who to optimize for. Data is the cornerstone of successful CRO
    strategies. That is why at PAN we use a multitude of tools to track and analyze
    how users behave on your website.

    Data provide us with the basis for a holistic CRO strategy, with optimizations for
    every piece of your digital marketing, including:
    - Website redesign. We’ll ensure brand consistency, reduce elements that distract
    from the path to conversion, and design a site that turns more of your traffic into
    - Conversion funnel optimization, to ensure that potential customers stay on the right
    path to conversion. We review, test and tweak CTAs and optimize landing pages to
    make paid search really pay off.
    - A/B and User Testing. We design, conduct and evaluate testing programs,
    providing actionable recommendations from the results.
    Combining data and creativity, we find new approaches for CRO.
    Skills in Reclame (4)
    Social AdvertisingConversion Rate OptimizationFull-ServiceWeb Advertising
    Projecten in Reclame (3)
    Promote opening of new fuel stations - Reclame
    Setup & Manage Google Ads campaigns across Europe - Reclame
    Agile Setup Google Ads campaigns to test market - Reclame
    Klanten in Reclame (3)
    UndisclosedIndustriële Goederen en Diensten | international
    UndisclosedEnergie en Olie | national
    UndisclosedEnergie en Olie | national

    Meer informatie over Reclame

  • Beschrijving
    How we can help?
    Holistic CRO strategies
    We evaluate everything from your keyword strategy and mobile web design to your PPC and social media ads. Then, we provide a plan with optimizations for every piece of your digital marketing to increase your conversion rates.

    Website redesign
    Our UI and UX experts have experience redesigning websites with conversion rate optimization in mind. We’ll ensure brand consistency, reduce elements that distract from the path to conversion, and design a site that turns more of your traffic into customers.

    Conversion funnel optimization
    Each page that a visitor views before converting is an opportunity to become distracted and leave. Our conversion funnel analysis ensures that potential customers stay on the right path to conversion. We review, test and tweak CTAs and optimize landing pages to make paid search really pay off.

    A/B & User Testing
    With A/B and User Testing, we combine data and creativity to find new approaches for CRO. Our team will design, conduct and evaluate testing programs, providing actionable recommendations from the results.

    Sharing knowledge & training
    We believe that collaboration is the key to digital marketing success. As part of our CRO services, we coach and share our knowledge with your in-house team, so they can implement learnings across the company’s digital marketing footprint.
    Skills in Ergonomie (UX / UI) (18)
    User ExperimentsUX DesignUsability TestingUser TestingUX ResearchConversion Rate OptimizationA/B TestingA/B TestsUXUser Experience+8

    Meer informatie over Ergonomie (UX / UI)

  • Beschrijving

    Geen beschrijving opgegeven voor deze service.

    Skills in Web analytics / Big data (5)
    Google Analytics ConsultingAnalytics ConsultingWebsite AnalyticsData ReportingGoogle Analytics

    Meer informatie over Web analytics / Big data

  • Beschrijving

    Geen beschrijving opgegeven voor deze service.

    Project in Ontwerp (1)
    Agile Setup Google Ads campaigns to test market - Ontwerp
    Klant in Ontwerp (1)
    UndisclosedEnergie en Olie | national

    Meer informatie over Ontwerp

  • Beschrijving
    Copywriting for the web - International SEO
    Many of our customers are active internationally and international SEO kind of is our specialty. Over the years, we have built a network of local SEO experts in a large number of countries. Our partners deal with local link building, keyword research, SEO copywriting and social media marketing on a daily basis. They know the ins and outs, the opportunities and the pitfalls and the local language is their mother tongue. Internationally operating companies find the best of both worlds at PAN. An all-round digital marketing agency with in-house international expertise and a network of local specialists. A winning combination of global SEO strategy and implementation tailored to local target groups.
    Projecten in Copywriting (3)
    Promote opening of new fuel stations - Copywriting
    Setup & Manage Google Ads campaigns across Europe - Copywriting
    Content Marketing activity on sports betting site - Copywriting
    Klanten in Copywriting (3)
    UndisclosedEntertainment & Events | international
    UndisclosedEnergie en Olie | national
    UndisclosedIndustriële Goederen en Diensten | international

    Meer informatie over Copywriting

  • Beschrijving

    Geen beschrijving opgegeven voor deze service.

    Skills in Social media (1)
    Social Media Marketing

    Meer informatie over Social media

  • Beschrijving

    Geen beschrijving opgegeven voor deze service.

    Skills in Digital Strategy (1)
    Online Marketing

    Meer informatie over Digital Strategy

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6 leden in PAN.AGENCY's team

VerhaalPAN was founded in 2013 by Sven van den Broek and Thierry De Marre. The pair’s experience working in-house on digital marketing teams has shaped the backbone of our company’s philosophy. We believe in treating our clients like they’re on our team: being fully transparent, sharing our expert knowledge and collaborating.
Neem gemakkelijk contact op met PAN.AGENCY's team

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PAN.AGENCY heeft 8 awards gewonnen

CXL - Landing page optimization2021-3-1
CXL - User research2021-3-1
CXL - Google Analytics 42021-3-1
CXL - Statistics for A/B testing2021-2-1
CXL - A/B testing mastery2019-3-1
CXL - Advanced Experimentation Analysis2019-10-1
CXL - Heuristic analysis frameworks for conversion optimization audits2018-9-1
CXL - Google Analytics2017-11-1



(3 reviews)
Andrea CruscoSEO Manager EMEA bij Smartbox Group
Team501 - 1000

Wat was het doel van de samenwerking?Technical SEO support and content production for landing pages across 9 countries between 2014 and 2017

Wat vond je het leukst tijdens de samenwerking?Very good understanding of the business, proactiveness and the fact that we managed to work together more like a team rather than as in a traditional client-agency model

Andrea Crusco beveelt dit bureau aan

Team501 - 1000

Tom ClaesGeneral Manager bij
Team1 - 10

Wat was het doel van de samenwerking?Optimize our website on the plan of SEO and SEA and on content writing / copywriting. Also coach our development team on priorities, execution and quality.

Wat vond je het leukst tijdens de samenwerking?Very competent people who work hands-on. No junior level but direct involvment of the business-owners. Clear about what is within their core-business. Pro-active to help progress the customer. For instance on optimising our social media campaigns,

Zijn er verbeterpunten?Nothing in particular. We worked by skype on a regular base and it worked fine.

Tom Claes beveelt dit bureau aan

Team1 - 10

Jerry van EsSEO specialist bij JerryVanEs
Team51 - 200

Wat was het doel van de samenwerking?We asked 0ptim1ze to do a total SEO audit of our website. The website is a big e-commerce website with a lot of different filters so we figured there was a lot of improvement. That's why we asked them to take a good look and analyze our website.

Wat vond je het leukst tijdens de samenwerking?Clear communication, all the actions we had to take where written out so that everyone within our organization could understand.

Jerry van Es beveelt dit bureau aan

Team51 - 200
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Contact gegevens van PAN.AGENCY


  • HoofdkantoorMeirbrug 1, 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium

  • Via Giovanni Giolitti, 2, 10123 Torino TO, Italy