CheeeseBOX, Vorst | Sortlist
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Vorst, België
CheeeseBOX provides photographic & videographic digital experiences and brings a new dimension to your events with solutions such as: Photobooth Slow-motion animation Video booth GIF booth Green key experience Light painting experience Pic&Stick solution Airstudio Aftermovies Traditional studio and event photography and many more… Whether it's for marketing activations, corporate annual parties or a wedding with private customers. We have the right tools! Our solutions help brands to connect with their audience on events. We create branded contents that are easily shareable which helps brands to spread quality contents on Social media. Users will also be able to share their moments by e-mail, giving our clients a great opportunity to send a clear and customized message as well as push for further interactions. You lack precise information on your client base? Thanks to our integrated survey tools, learn more about your clients easily. Our products collect data and allow you precise insights and accurate metrics to measure the results of your animation, brand activation or marketing campaign. After 3 successful years in Belgium working for the biggest brands our next challenge will be to go abroad! If you are interested in contributing to our internationalization don’t hesitate to get in touch! For more information, please contact us by email: Or visit our facebook page: THE PERFECT TOOLS TO ENGAGE WITH YOUR AUDIENCE DURING EVENTS
12 mensen in hun team
Spreekt Engels, Frans, Nederlands
7 projecten in hun portfolio
Werkt op afstand over de hele wereld
Sortlist lid sinds 2016
Opgericht in 2015
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8 diensten aangeboden door CheeeseBOX

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Gerelateerde beoordelingen

  • Beschrijving
    CheeeseBOX provides photographic & videographic digital experiences and brings a new dimension to your events with solutions such as:

    - Photobooth
    - Slow-motion animation
    - Video booth
    - GIF booth
    - Green key experience
    - Light painting experience
    - Pic&Stick solution
    - Airstudio
    - Aftermovies
    - Traditional studio and event photography
    - and many more…

    Whether it's for marketing activations, corporate annual parties or a wedding with private customers. We have the right tools!

    Our solutions help brands to connect with their audience on events. We create branded contents that are easily shareable which helps brands to spread quality contents on Social media. Users will also be able to share their moments by e-mail, giving our clients a great opportunity to send a clear and customized message as well as push for further interactions.

    You lack precise information on your client base? Thanks to our integrated survey tools, learn more about your clients easily. Our products collect data and allow you precise insights and accurate metrics to measure the results of your animation, brand activation or marketing campaign.

    After 3 successful years in Belgium working for the biggest brands our next challenge will be to go abroad!
    Skills in Evenement (2)
    Brand ActivationAftermovie
    Projecten in Evenement (7)
    CheeeseBOX - Coca-Cola - Activation #Cokesummer - Evenement
    CheeeseBOX - Shadow GIF for ETAM - Evenement
    CheeeseBOX - Screambooth at  Screamfest - Kraken - Evenement
    CheeeseBOX - Corona Sharing & Printing Station - Evenement
    Klanten in Evenement (7)
    Jim BeamDranken | international
    Coca-ColaAnderen | international
    ETAMKleding & Accessoires | international
    KrakenDranken | international

    Meer informatie over Evenement

  • Beschrijving
    We provide everything around photographic services from standard studio shooting on event to fully customized activations
    Skills in Fotografie (6)
    Brand ActivationCorporate VideoField ActivationStudio PhotographyEvent PhotographyCorporate Photography
    Projecten in Fotografie (7)
    CheeeseBOX - Coca-Cola - Activation #Cokesummer - Fotografie
    CheeeseBOX - Shadow GIF for ETAM - Fotografie
    CheeeseBOX - Screambooth at  Screamfest - Kraken - Fotografie
    CheeeseBOX - Corona Sharing & Printing Station - Fotografie
    Klanten in Fotografie (7)
    Coca-ColaAnderen | international
    ETAMKleding & Accessoires | international
    KrakenDranken | international
    CoronaDranken | international

    Meer informatie over Fotografie

  • Beschrijving

    Geen beschrijving opgegeven voor deze service.

    Skills in Video Productie (3)
    Brand ActivationEvent Brand ActivationAftermovie
    Projecten in Video Productie (6)
    CheeeseBOX - Shadow GIF for ETAM - Video Productie
    CheeeseBOX - Screambooth at  Screamfest - Kraken - Video Productie
    CheeeseBOX - Corona Sharing & Printing Station - Video Productie
    CheeeseBOX - BritishBooth - Video Productie
    Klanten in Video Productie (6)
    CoronaDranken | international
    ETAMKleding & Accessoires | international
    TracePersoneelszaken | international
    LadBrokesSport | international

    Meer informatie over Video Productie

  • Beschrijving

    Geen beschrijving opgegeven voor deze service.

    Skills in Branding & Positionering (2)
    Brand ActivationCorporate Branding
    Projecten in Branding & Positionering (6)
    CheeeseBOX - Shadow GIF for ETAM - Branding & Positionering
    CheeeseBOX - Screambooth at  Screamfest - Kraken - Branding & Positionering
    CheeeseBOX - Corona Sharing & Printing Station - Branding & Positionering
    CheeeseBOX - BritishBooth - Branding & Positionering
    Klanten in Branding & Positionering (6)
    ETAMKleding & Accessoires | international
    KrakenDranken | international
    CoronaDranken | international
    TracePersoneelszaken | international

    Meer informatie over Branding & Positionering

  • Beschrijving

    Geen beschrijving opgegeven voor deze service.

    Skills in Social media (1)
    B2B Influencer Marketing
    Projecten in Social media (6)
    CheeeseBOX - Shadow GIF for ETAM - Social media
    CheeeseBOX - Screambooth at  Screamfest - Kraken - Social media
    CheeeseBOX - Corona Sharing & Printing Station - Social media
    CheeeseBOX - BritishBooth - Social media
    Klanten in Social media (6)
    CoronaDranken | international
    ETAMKleding & Accessoires | international
    KrakenDranken | international
    TracePersoneelszaken | international

    Meer informatie over Social media

  • Beschrijving

    Geen beschrijving opgegeven voor deze service.

    Projecten in E-mail Marketing (6)
    CheeeseBOX - Shadow GIF for ETAM - E-mail Marketing
    CheeeseBOX - Screambooth at  Screamfest - Kraken - E-mail Marketing
    CheeeseBOX - Corona Sharing & Printing Station - E-mail Marketing
    CheeeseBOX - BritishBooth - E-mail Marketing
    Klanten in E-mail Marketing (6)
    ETAMKleding & Accessoires | international
    KrakenDranken | international
    CoronaDranken | international
    TracePersoneelszaken | international

    Meer informatie over E-mail Marketing

  • Beschrijving

    Geen beschrijving opgegeven voor deze service.

    Projecten in Reclame (5)
    CheeeseBOX - Shadow GIF for ETAM - Reclame
    CheeeseBOX - Corona Sharing & Printing Station - Reclame
    CheeeseBOX - BritishBooth - Reclame
    CheeeseBOX - LadBrokes - World Cup - Reclame
    Klanten in Reclame (5)
    ETAMKleding & Accessoires | international
    CoronaDranken | international
    TracePersoneelszaken | international
    LadBrokesSport | international

    Meer informatie over Reclame

  • Beschrijving

    Geen beschrijving opgegeven voor deze service.

    Project in Marketing (1)
    CheeeseBOX - Corona Sharing & Printing Station - Marketing
    Klant in Marketing (1)
    CoronaDranken | international

    Meer informatie over Marketing

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12 leden in CheeeseBOX's team

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CheeeseBOX heeft 0 awards gewonnen


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Contact gegevens van CheeeseBOX


  • HoofdkantoorMontenegrostraat 101A, 1190 Vorst, Belgium

  • Boulevard Watteau, 59300 Valenciennes, France