TOP SECRET COMMUNICATION (+ 8 Avis clients) | Sortlist


Watermael-Boitsfort, Belgique
TOP SECRET COMMUNICATION IS A LEADING COMMUNICATION AGENCY IN BELGIUM. Communication Consulting Agency in Brussels with 35 years of experience specialised in press (online & offline - BELUX), marketing influencer, social media, creative content (graphic design, community management, art direction), events, etc. We communicate in every sense of the term. Top secret is Belgium’s leading communication agency, our team will be happy to help your brand stand out! By listening closely to our client’s needs we deliver tailor made solutions and services for every budget. Essentially, our mission is to help our clients be very visible and build a strong image through different communication platforms in the Benelux. We keep up with the constantly evolving business / market to offer the best solutions for our clients. We believe in balancing creativity and strategy in order to create unique projects / collaborations. Our expertise in press, digital marketing, social media, brand image, events and communication has allowed / enabled us to work with many of the most relevant international and national brands. Based in Brussels and going to Antwerp every week, we build trusty relationships with Belgium’s key players.    
12 personnes dans leur équipe
Parle Anglais, Français, Néerlandais
14 projets dans leur portefeuille
1 collaborations commencées sur Sortlist
Travaille à distance à travers le monde
Membre Sortlist depuis 2020
Fondée en 1984


13 services offerts par TOP SECRET COMMUNICATION

Nom du service
Niveau d'expérience

Avis clients connexes
À partir de

  • Description
    Our background? It’s 20 years of experience in printed press and digital media since the beginning of online campaigns. We have daily contacts with the Flemish and French speaking, local and national press (on and off line) as well as media (tv and radio). Keeping close relationships in diverse sectors like beauty, fashion, design, corporate and lifestyle (food and travel). Our core business has always been press and PR, on any type of media. From creating a communication plan with our clients to daily press releases and follow-ups, our goal is for our clients to be visible no matter what. Our strength is a mix of years of experience with a will for change and versatility. What remains is the wide network and relationships we have built over the years with key players in various industries (socialites, opinion leaders, journalists, actors, artists, chefs, influencers…). The world evolves very quickly, and so do we. Our job is to think ahead and expand our services to suit our client’s wishes.

    Our job is to negotiate, run and create efficient online campaigns. Our top secret team works hand in hand with today’s influencers when it comes to placing your product the best way possible. We select the right influencers depending on our client’s audience with one word in mind, authenticity. For brands, influencer marketing is very effective in generating sales. Our job is to negotiate, run efficient campaigns on their various social media platforms and identify the right audience for the right product.
    Compétences en Relations publiques (RP) (4)
    Press RelationsBrand LaunchingRelations pressePublic Relations
    Projets en Relations publiques (RP) (14)
    Bioderma - Unboxing - Relations publiques (RP)
    N.A.E - unboxing - Relations publiques (RP)
    Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert - Unboxing - Relations publiques (RP)
    Moet & Chandon - Relations publiques (RP)
    Avis clients en Relations publiques (RP) (5)
    Virginie Beauvois
    nathalie marissal
    Duchene Emilie
    Didden Nathalie
    Clients en Relations publiques (RP) (14)
    N.A.EAutres | national
    top secret communicationLuxe et Joaillerie | national
    Galeries Royales Saint-HubertArt & Artisanat | regional
    NuxeAccessoires & vêtements | national

    En savoir plus sur Relations publiques (RP)

  • Description
    From idea to realization, our events team will take care of it !
    From concept to guest list and execution (guest list and attendance, save the date, event announcement and invites, media materials). We take a creative and individual approach to each event, whatever the size, whether it be a press conference, press trips, store opening, product launch, brand presentation or show.
    Compétences en Evénementiel (4)
    Showroom DesignProduct LaunchPress EventsLancement de Produit
    Projets en Evénementiel (10)
    Bioderma - Unboxing - Evénementiel
    N.A.E - unboxing - Evénementiel
    Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert - Unboxing - Evénementiel
    Top secret communication - JEWELS AND WATCHES DAY - Evénementiel
    Clients en Evénementiel (10)
    N.A.EAutres | national
    MOËT & CHANDONVins et Spiritueux | national
    PiagetLuxe et Joaillerie | national
    Tiffany & Co.Luxe et Joaillerie | national

    En savoir plus sur Evénementiel

  • Description
    Our top secret studio is an endless source of ideas no matter the briefing. We help new up-and-coming brands build their image from A to Z (logo, graphic identity, packaging…) and respect (well-known) brands’ traditions and visual codes. We create an attractive and relevant online content while understanding the data that comes in from posting on social media, the key to a winning strategy.
    Compétences en Design & graphisme (7)
    design graphiquelogo graphic designLogo Graphic DesignBrand DesignPress ReleaseWebsiteLogo Design

    En savoir plus sur Design & graphisme

  • Description
    Our goal here is to give that extra push for new players on the market.
    Building a brand strategy and setting goals is our ambition. Branding is one of the most important aspects of any business, large or small, retail or B2B. An effective brand strategy gives you a major edge in increasingly competitive markets. Together, we define a strong and authentic strategy that reflects your company values and paves the way for what comes after / growth. We help you find the right tools to help your brand, business or company shine and stand out from the crowd.
    Compétences en Réseaux sociaux (3)
    Content CreationTraductionstext writing
    Projets en Réseaux sociaux (7)
    Moet & Chandon - Réseaux sociaux
    Bioderma - Summer Unboxing - Réseaux sociaux
    Unboxing Nuxe Bio Organic - Réseaux sociaux
    ABC -  Vegan Breakfast - Réseaux sociaux
    Clients en Réseaux sociaux (7)
    Tiffany & Co.Luxe et Joaillerie | national
    Moet & ChandonBoissons | national
    biodermaAutres | national
    NuxeAutres | national

    En savoir plus sur Réseaux sociaux

  • Description

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    Compétences en Rédaction et traduction (1)
    Article Writing

    En savoir plus sur Rédaction et traduction

  • Description

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    Compétences en Stratégie digitale (4)
    Conseil en Communication et PublicitéWeb StrategyOffline marketingProduct Launching

    En savoir plus sur Stratégie digitale

  • Description

    Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.

    Compétences en Image de marque & branding (3)
    Brand StrategyBrand DesignMerk Identiteit

    En savoir plus sur Image de marque & branding

  • Description

    Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.

    En savoir plus sur Marketing d'influence

  • Description

    Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.

    En savoir plus sur Community management

  • Description

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    En savoir plus sur Packaging

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12 membres dans l'équipe de TOP SECRET COMMUNICATION

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TOP SECRET COMMUNICATION a été récompensé 0 fois

Avis clients


(8 avis clients)
Flachs NathalieCEA chez PLUMKA
ServiceRelations publiques (RP)

Quel était l'objectif de votre collaboration ?Initially we wanted to develop our brand awareness

Qu'avez-vous le plus apprécié pendant votre collaboration ?they have a great listening, understanding of our needs and a lot of dynamism

Flachs Nathalie recommande cette agence

ServiceRelations publiques (RP)

Didden Nathalie Owner chez Tiger Lily
ServiceRelations publiques (RP)

Quel était l'objectif de votre collaboration ?The idea was to make my company ,her name and reputation well known

Qu'avez-vous le plus apprécié pendant votre collaboration ?No doubt ,their ability and kindness! And a true discussion about my desires ...

Didden Nathalie recommande cette agence

ServiceRelations publiques (RP)

Charlotte PirotCustomer marketeer and Education Manager chez Henkel

Quel était l'objectif de votre collaboration ?Top Secret Communication is handling our yearly PR plan, Events organization with PR and Influencers, Influencers send-out. They create a yearly Plan according to our launches in order to ensure visibility and communication around our new products.

Qu'avez-vous le plus apprécié pendant votre collaboration ?The agency delivered a clear yearly plan, with concrete actions and innovating ideas. We have contact on a weekly basis to be aware of the status of each action. It also delivers clear and complete files with the results of the activations.

Charlotte Pirot recommande cette agence

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  • Siège socialChaussée de la Hulpe 185, 1170 Watermael-Boitsfort, Belgium
