MobileJuice, Gand | Sortlist
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Gand, Belgique
We develop mobile apps. MobileJuice was founded in 2009 as the first mobile agency in Belgium. MobileJuice is part of the TapCrowd group, delivering awesome custom mobile apps. Our focus is to teach companies how to use mobile to reach, engage and entertain their audience. Our mobile geniuses combine their knowledge with an appealing design to create the apps you need. Check out which clients we worked for and get in touch ! We are also the company behind the powerful Tapcrowd platform which generates native mobile applications for iPhone and Android together with a branded mobile website. Business owners, venues and event organizers use the TapCrowd platform to select modules, add content and generate a native app in a cost-effective way.
30 personnes dans leur équipe
Parle Allemand, Anglais, Français, Néerlandais
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2 services offerts par MobileJuice

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  • Description
    TapCrowd NV is a technology startup based in Ghent Belgium. The company is founded by seasoned entrepreneurs and experts in internet and mobile, and is funded by highly successful business angels.

    Nowadays a mobile app is a powerful tool to engage with your audience. That's why you need a partner that understands your needs and knows the power of mobile.

    TapCrowd helps companies to build, publish and maintain B2B2C mobile apps with a focus on building brand awareness, increasing customer loyalty, enabling personalised interactions and boosting revenue.

    TapCrowd, Shaping Mobile Interactions.
    Compétences en Application mobile (1)
    Brand Awareness

    En savoir plus sur Application mobile

  • Description

    Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.

    En savoir plus sur Application web

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30 membres dans l'équipe de MobileJuice

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Coordonnées de MobileJuice


  • Siège socialGrauwpoort 1, 9000 Gent, Belgium
