MILIVOJA studio, Novi Sad | Sortlist
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Novi Sad, Serbie
Industrial design and product development for small businesses and startups.
MILIVOJA studio is an industrial design, engineering, and prototyping company based in Serbia. It introduces a rather innovative and balanced design with the express purpose of creating meaningful experiences and establishing connections between brands and consumers. The thorough understanding of the core product values is our team’s primary focus. The products are not only envisioned to be unconventional and arresting in their design but also personalized to accommodate clients’ individual preferences. Furthermore, great emphasis is placed on the importance of fruitful communication with clients, and the ideas are carefully developed in accordance with client’s needs. Additionally, when our clients are confronted with some design challenges, we provide aid and offer solutions so that they may generate revenue today, or we map out growth opportunities to ensure their competitiveness tomorrow.
5 personnes dans leur équipe
Parle Anglais, Serbe
Membre Sortlist depuis 2023
Fondée en 2020
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2 services offerts par MILIVOJA studio

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  • Description

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    Compétences en 3D (5)
    Solidworks3D Product RenderingBlender3D Modeling3D Design

    En savoir plus sur 3D

  • Description

    Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.

    Compétences en Innovation (2)
    Disruptive InnovationGlobal Innovation

    En savoir plus sur Innovation

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5 membres dans l'équipe de MILIVOJA studio

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MILIVOJA studio a été récompensé 0 fois

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Coordonnées de MILIVOJA studio


  • Siège socialSvetojovanska, Novi Sad, Serbia