HackerXploit, Dresde | Sortlist
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Dresde, Allemagne
8 personnes dans leur équipe
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1 services offerts par HackerXploit

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  • Description
    I am Certified Licensed Penetration Tester & Ethical Hacker Who have more than 10 years of Experience as a Penetration Tester, Cyber Security Analyst,Bug-Hunter,Software Security Analyst,Web & Application Security Analyst in Various Top Level Cyber Security Companies. My Woking Speciality- Black Hat & Grey hat.
    Grey Box Testing,
    Black Box Testing of Web & Application,
    Recover or Unauthorised Access of any types of Devices like IPhone, Android, Webmails, Emails, Social Accounts, pc, Network Devices, Network Infrastructure.
    Web Penetration Testing -Database Stealing, Database Modifications.
    I can get back any Data from any types of device like pc flash drive, Android, Ios with my knowledge, Tools and My Team.
    Me and my Team have been doing this type of Specific Projects for many years.We Already Completed Many Projects like that.
    Come to join us and discuss about Your Project & Task.
    Visit Facebook Page-https://www.facebook.com/darknetservices
    OR Email- rodiansergei@protonmail.com
    Skype- toradodomnic
    Compétences en Application web (5)
    internet securityweb securitymobile securitypenetration testing,ethical hacking

    En savoir plus sur Application web

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Coordonnées de HackerXploit



  • Siège socialLeipziger Straße 145, Dresden, Germany