Bananas, Bruxelles | Sortlist
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Bruxelles, Belgique
We’ve been around. Since 1996 in fact.
Expertise We activate brands through ... People We believe in the power of people. Short or long term, sales or marketing minded, even type AB-negative but always with a positive spirit. Wether they are on the road, in the field or hosting your event or fair, we can deliver quantity and never compromise on quality. Channels We strive for operational excellence in channel executions. We’ve been doing that for many clients in numerous existing channels, but we also like to be creative and develop channels that drive the business. Consumers Making a remarkable impact on- & offline, that’s what we aim to provide. Consumers are hard to target and well connected. We have the measurement tools for your target groups: shoppers, students, people at work, festival fans, from each province or village: we can reach them loud & clear and always with your message in mind.
207 personnes dans leur équipe
Parle Allemand, Anglais, Français, Néerlandais
Fondée en 1996
Aucun avis client pour le momentSoyez le premier à en ajouter un
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4 services offerts par Bananas

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    En savoir plus sur Evénementiel

  • Description
    Bananas is a brand activation agency with offices in Brussels, London & Amsterdam. Creating encounters between brand & consumers is our passion and we've been doing it since 1996. In 2010 Bananas merged into Square Melon but as of 2014 it went back to its roots.

    2 Strong business units service our clients with activation knowledge of Point of Sale (Shopper focus) or Point of Contact (Consumer focus). Over the years Bananas has obtained a large experience in measuring impact and return by activating brands & services for almost 20 years.

    The proprietary software BACS (Bananas Action Control System) has been in place since 2001 and continues to be the key data driver to plan all field executions into the smallest of details.

    The Belgian office is located in a modern 12.000 m² facility in Vilvoorde well equipped for today's standards to deliver the most optimal field execution.
    Brand Activation, Roadshows, Sales teams, Events, Sampling, Merchandising
    Compétences en Stratégie de contenu (2)
    MerchandisingBrand Activation

    En savoir plus sur Stratégie de contenu

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    Compétences en Publicité (1)
    Offline marketing

    En savoir plus sur Publicité

  • Description

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    En savoir plus sur Marketing

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207 membres dans l'équipe de Bananas

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Coordonnées de Bananas


  • Siège socialSchaarbeeklei 647, 1800 Vilvoorde, Belgium
