Universem (+ 4 reviews) | Sortlist
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Gembloers, België
Digital Marketing Consulting
DATA AT THE HEART OF YOUR DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY >Acquire, Convert & Delight As a Digital Marketing Consultancy Company, Universem aims at optimizing your digital presence to acquire more audience, to convert your traffic into qualified opportunities and to delight your customers. Our teams design and implement strategies and tactics combining natural referencing (SEO & Content Marketing), online advertising (SEA & Social Media Advertising), Web Analytics, Marketing Dashboard and Marketing Automation to stimulate the growth of your business. Universem provides high-quality work in multiple languages and strengthens its team of specialists by working with native speakers in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. The team is currently composed of 30 members and works for customers such as MediaMarkt, Leonidas, Chicco, Interparking, Knauf, Beobank or Orange. Our customers are active in a wide variety of sectors: retail & e-commerce, ICT, banking & insurances, pharmaceuticals, biotech, transportation, real estate & construction, NGO & non-profit organisations, etc.  >A certified Consultancy Company Universem is Google Analytics certified Partner, Google Tag Manager certified Partner, Google Optimize certified Partner, Google Data Studio certified Partner, Facebook Blueprint certified and Accredited Professional Microsoft Advertising. Our agency has also been recognized as "Google Partner Premier".   WHAT DO WE OFFER?   > Consultancy & Digital Strategy As a team we help our clients set up an action plan that enables them to acquire more leads, to convert  them into customers and to  retain those customers by delighting them. Since we are pragmatic and realistic, we are constantly measuring the effects of our practices in terms of client acquisition, traffic optimisation and ROI . > Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) You want to drive highly qualified traffic to your website? Increase your exposure by using strategic key words relevant to your field, while enhancing your website on both a technical and a marketing level. > Content marketing Develop an editorial strategy specifically tailored for the Internet. Our copywriting experts create relevant content and guarantee all the benefits of Search Engine Optimisation. Result: you capture the interest of your visitors while attracting search engines in the meantime! > Online Advertising (SEA & Social Media Ads) Entrust the management of your Cost per Click advertising campaigns to our team of professionals, and observe the increase of your ROI. Universem will adjust and optimize your permanent campaigns, using Google AdWords & Bing Ads (SEA), Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Youtube Ads (Social Media Ads) and programmatic Display (Branding campaign). > Trainings for all the expertises Advertising, Web Analytics, SEO, content marketing and Marketing Automation (Inbound Marketing). > Analytics &Marketing Dashboard Enjoy a wealth of valuable information to measure the impact of your marketing campaigns and improve conversion of visitors into customers. > Marketing Automation Our expertise in marketing automation allows you to save time, personalize the customer experience, and optimize your results. Explore the essential advantages of our approach. Want to know more? Visit our website and discover the cases and reviews of our happy customers on: www.universem.com
32 mensen in hun team
Spreekt Frans
10 projecten in hun portfolio
8 samenwerkingen gestart via Sortlist
Werkt op afstand over de hele wereld
Sortlist lid sinds 2015
Opgericht in 2007


7 diensten aangeboden door Universem

Naam van dienst
Niveau van ervaring

Gerelateerde beoordelingen

  • Beschrijving
    Entrust the management of your cost per click advertising campaigns to real professionals, and thus increase your ROI. We adjust and optimize your campaigns constantly, either through Google Ads and Bing Ads (SEA), Facebook/Instagram Ads, LinkedIn Ads or YouTube Ads.

    You can find all the information on our website : https://universem.com/online-advertising-agency/
    Skills in Online Advertising (19)
    InstagramGoogle ShoppingAdvertising CampaignLinkedIn AdsGoogle AdsRéférencement payantgoogle partnercampagnes publicitairesYoutube AdvertisingBing ads+9
    Projecten in Online Advertising (5)
    RC Desk : Trouver du volume de qualité sur Google - Online Advertising
    RC Desk : Trouver du volume de qualité sur Google - Online Advertising
    Yves Rocher & Universem: Un partenariat à succès - Online Advertising
    UNICEF - How to increase online donations - Online Advertising
    Klanten in Online Advertising (5)
    UNICEFNon-profit | national
    Logic ImmoVastgoed | national
    Yves RocherRetail | international
    RC DeskIndustriële Goederen en Diensten

    Meer informatie over Online Advertising

  • Beschrijving
    You want to generate high quality traffic on your website? Gain visibility using strategic keywords relevant to your field, while enhancing your website on a technical and marketing level.
    Skills in SEO (7)
    SEOAudit SEOContentmarketingSEO en GoogleAuditRéférencement naturelRéférencement
    Project in SEO (1)
    Take Eat Easy - Cmt améliorer le tx de conversion? - SEO
    Reviews in SEO (3)
    Jeanne Benoit
    Baptiste Bruno Pascaline
    Baptiste Michiels
    Klant in SEO (1)
    Take Eat EasyVoedsel | international

    Meer informatie over SEO

  • Beschrijving
    Enjoy a wealth of valuable information to measure the impact of your marketing campaigns and improve conversion of visitors into customers.
    Skills in Web analytics / Big data (9)
    DashboardingGoogle AnalyticsHotjarCustomer JourneyMarketing AutomationAnalyticsCROAttributiongoogle partner
    Projecten in Web analytics / Big data (3)
    Stratégie complète en publicité - Web analytics / Big data
    Sopra - Comment générer davantage de contacts ? - Web analytics / Big data
    Take Eat Easy - Cmt améliorer le tx de conversion? - Web analytics / Big data
    Klanten in Web analytics / Big data (3)
    Sopra Banking SoftwareBanken & financiële instellingen | international
    Take Eat EasyVoedsel | international
    SOCOAuto | national

    Meer informatie over Web analytics / Big data

  • Beschrijving
    As a team we define a detailed plan of action and measure its effects in terms of client acquisition, traffic optimisation and ROI.
    Skills in Digital Strategy (15)
    StrategyDigital MarketingDigital StrategyMarketing AutomationAcquisitionStratégie MarketingStratégieCommunication et PublicitéAttribution MarketingMarketing Online+5
    Projecten in Digital Strategy (5)
    Stratégie complète en publicité - Digital Strategy
    Etex : digital mkt transf. & international growth - Digital Strategy
    MeDirect & Universem : driving client to success - Digital Strategy
    Yves Rocher & Universem: Un partenariat à succès - Digital Strategy
    Klanten in Digital Strategy (5)
    UNICEFNon-profit | national
    Yves RocherRetail | international
    MeDirectBanken & financiële instellingen
    EtexBouw | international

    Meer informatie over Digital Strategy

  • Beschrijving

    Geen beschrijving opgegeven voor deze service.

    Skills in Growth Marketing (16)
    Qualification des prospectsProspection de leadsOptimisation du taux de conversion (CRO)Acquisition clientInbound lead generationOptimisation du CTRAudit de croissanceAcquisition de leadsGénération de leads B2BGénération de leads+6

    Meer informatie over Growth Marketing

  • Beschrijving

    Geen beschrijving opgegeven voor deze service.

    Skills in Content Strategy (5)
    Blogging StrategyMultilingual ContentTarget Audience DefinitionSocial Content StrategyStorytelling
    Project in Content Strategy (1)
    Stratégie complète en publicité - Content Strategy
    Klant in Content Strategy (1)
    SOCOAuto | national

    Meer informatie over Content Strategy

  • Beschrijving

    Geen beschrijving opgegeven voor deze service.

    Skills in E-mail Marketing (2)
    RemarketingHubSpot Email
    Project in E-mail Marketing (1)
    Stratégie complète en publicité - E-mail Marketing
    Klant in E-mail Marketing (1)
    SOCOAuto | national

    Meer informatie over E-mail Marketing

Heb je een van die diensten nodig?

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32 leden in Universem's team

Universem cover
VerhaalWorking for Universem means, first and foremost, integrating a team and sharing its values. The importance of team work and the values we develop within our company have, throughout our growth, forged our consultancy’s very identity, its DNA. We are regularly on the lookout for new, talented colleagues.
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Universem heeft 0 awards gewonnen



(4 reviews)
VanhaverbekeChargée de communication bij Soco

Wat was het doel van de samenwerking?Renforcer notre présence en ligne, augmenter la visibilité sur les moteurs de recherche, attirer un trafic qualifié, accroître la notoriété auprès du public cible, générer des leads de qualité grâce à des campagnes ciblées.

Wat vond je het leukst tijdens de samenwerking?J'apprécie la disponibilité, le professionnalisme et les conseils de mes contacts, ainsi que leur approche proactive et leurs idées constantes pour améliorer notre visibilité.

Vanhaverbeke beveelt dit bureau aan


Baptiste Bruno PascalineDM bij Thegoodpsy

Wat was het doel van de samenwerking?Apporter plus de trafic vers votre site internet et notre app.

Wat vond je het leukst tijdens de samenwerking?Contact très professionnel et proactif. Ils reviennent souvent avec des recommandations, des idées... Ils font vraiment de la stratégie et pas simplement de l'acquisition.

Baptiste Bruno Pascaline beveelt dit bureau aan


Jeanne BenoitChargée de projet en communication digitale bij Explore Meuse
SectorReizen & Vrije tijd

Wat was het doel van de samenwerking?Améliorer le référencement naturel du site internet de la Maison du Tourisme Explore Meuse + rédiger des articles blog.

Wat vond je het leukst tijdens de samenwerking?Notre personne de contact s'est montrée très disponible, réactive et fortes en propositions. Nous avions toujours une personne de contact disponible si nous avions une question, même en période de vacances.

Jeanne Benoit beveelt dit bureau aan

SectorReizen & Vrije tijd

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Contact gegevens van Universem



  • HoofdkantoorParc Crealys, Rue Camille Hubert 13, 5032 Gembloux, Belgium

  • Av. Herrmann-Debroux 40, 1160 Bruxelles, Belgium
