4 diensten aangeboden door DESIGNREPUBLIC
Beschrijving We create brands from scratch, going from: naming - logo design -the story behind the brand - the positioning - packaging design - look & feel websites - content creation social media
We rejuvenate or rebrand exisiting brands going from a brand evolution to a possible brand revolutionSkills in Branding & Positionering (56) packaging designBrandingBrand PositioningGraphic IdentityIllustrationNamingBrand ArchitectureCorporate IdentityStorytellingVisual Identity+46Projecten in Branding & Positionering (21) Reviews in Branding & Positionering (6) Jean-Francois CambierChristophe JuchtmansBarbara OliveiraChristophe JanssensKlanten in Branding & Positionering (21) DelioVoedsel | internationalBamboo GoodnessVoedsel | internationalDelhaizeRetail | internationalCBG - ELVEAVoedsel | international
Meer informatie over Branding & PositioneringBeschrijving We create graphic design that fits with the story of your brand and reflects your brand identitySkills in Ontwerp (32) Brand DevelopmentCreative ConceptIllustrationBrand ArchitectureDesignStorytellingLogo DesignPackaging DesignBusiness Card DesignCorporate Design+22Projecten in Ontwerp (20) Reviews in Ontwerp (5) Diane NoyesGauthier BodartMaxime KhamneiCharlotte VandermeulenKlanten in Ontwerp (20) DelioVoedsel | internationalBamboo GoodnessVoedsel | internationalDelhaizeRetail | internationalCBG - ELVEAVoedsel | international
Meer informatie over OntwerpBeschrijving We create the identity for your brand or corporation that reflects your values.Skills in Grafische Identiteit (12) Brand IdentityGraphic IdentityCorporate Identity DesignBrand CreationBrand BuildingBranding Graphic DesignCorporate IdentityRebrandingBrand NamingBrand Identity Design+2Projecten in Grafische Identiteit (7) Klanten in Grafische Identiteit (7) The Farmchix CompanyVoedsel | nationalGVC Law Practice BrusselsJuridische diensten | internationalVGC Vlaamse Gemeenschaps CommissieOverheid | localCaluwaerts UytterhoevenJuridische diensten | international
Meer informatie over Grafische IdentiteitBeschrijving DesignRepublic offers branding, brand positioning, storytelling and we translate all that in beautiful packaging designSkills in Packaging (18) Non-food PackagingPharmaceutical PackagingCreative PackagingDurable LabelsPackaging LabelsBeverage PackagingProtective PackagingEco-friendly PackagingE-Commerce PackagingPackaging Design+8Projecten in Packaging (7) Review in Packaging (1) Jolien VerheyenKlanten in Packaging (7) BIGHLandbouw | regionalAKKO Conscious FamilywearKleding & Accessoires | internationalHerman DesseertsVoedsel | nationalThe Farmchix CompanyVoedsel | national
Meer informatie over Packaging
7 leden in DESIGNREPUBLIC's team
DESIGNREPUBLIC heeft 5 awards gewonnen
Wat was het doel van de samenwerking?We worked together on developing a new graphic identity for our brand Nolla.
Wat vond je het leukst tijdens de samenwerking?Design Republic is very creative and has a great experience in packaging development, and more specifically in consumer goods. It was perfectly appropriated for our cosmetic brand. The company has a talented team and they delivered an impressive work for our brand Nolla, I highly recommend !
Gauthier Bodart beveelt dit bureau aan
Wat was het doel van de samenwerking?Rebranding and repositionning of our brand frOUI
Wat vond je het leukst tijdens de samenwerking?It was not only about packaging design but also about strategy and positionning. Very opened collaboration with many workshops and feedback sessions.
Laurent Serrier beveelt dit bureau aan

Wat was het doel van de samenwerking?The objective was to firstly update our logo that was becoming old and outdated, secondly, create a visual/graphic identity for our company (in line with our positioning) and thirdly to develop a new catalogue/portfolio to showcase our products for B2B clients in a really ecstatic and efficient way.
Wat vond je het leukst tijdens de samenwerking?1) The proactivity of DesignRepublic to come up with new ideas and advices. 2) The guidance and presence of DesignRepublic during the shooting session with the photograph to be sure that everything will be perfect
Zijn er verbeterpunten?Keep going, you are on the right track 🚀
Maxime Khamnei beveelt dit bureau aan
Deel je ervaring met ons.
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