Shareif, Charleroi | Sortlist
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Charleroi, Belgique
Shareif is a team of young techno-lovers. We offer plenty of services thanks to the diversity of your team. We are the new generation IT partner! Our team consists of engineers coming from Belgium and specialized in multiple fields like Big Data, HPC, computer mathematics, networks, business management, multimedias, IT-security, and even many other fields thanks to our partners.  If you are looking for an agile long-term partner for your projects or for some cool consultants to fit a punctual need or a special mission, we are who you are looking for! We are all young technology lovers, passionate about our work and what we can do for you. This is why we will always do our best!
4 personnes dans leur équipe
Parle Anglais, Français
Membre Sortlist depuis 2015
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2 services offerts par Shareif

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À partir de

  • Description
    Need to have real-time analytics about your business performances? Or to make on-demand complex simulations based on multiple and/or huge information sources? We have our custom framework, designed for real-time analytics and HPC.

    En savoir plus sur Web analytique/Big data

  • Description
    Looking for a custom software, online service, website, intranet or tool? If we do not already have something that fits your needs, we will be happy to work with you to create that brand new solution. Also, we can provide you the best hosting services!

    En savoir plus sur Application web

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4 membres dans l'équipe de Shareif

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Coordonnées de Shareif


  • Siège socialAvenue du Général Michel 1, 6000 Charleroi, Belgium
