RIGHT BRAIN is a Belgian Digital Marketing Agency specialized in Web Traffic Acquisition founded by Augustin Heuninckx in 2014. We are assisting the companies in their Digital Transitions by offering professional advice and consulting services. Our Team is composed of 5 complementary profiles active in Digital Marketing: a Digital Strategist, a Data Analyst, a Content Marketer, a Growth Hacker, a Copywriter. RIGHT BRAIN is helping companies: > to create and launch their Social Media Strategies by the selection and set up of tools for Content Marketing. > to optimize your digital plan of action, your referencing and to increase the acquisition an the development of your customer loyalty.
5 personnes dans leur équipe
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5 projets dans leur portefeuille1 collaborations commencées sur Sortlist
Membre Sortlist depuis 2015
5 services offerts par RIGHT BRAIN
After a Kick-Off Meeting, Pre-Analysis, Deep Analysis Phases, we deliver a complete & prioritized report with issues description or prioritized goals & clear solutions to help you optimize your Targeted Users Acquisition and Conversions (can be textual, screenshots)
This report includes descriptions of:
¤ Goals (hierarchized in the short and long terms) + Analytics Tools
¤ Growth Hacking campaigns (description, planification)
¤ Ad’s campaigns (description, budget, planification)
¤ Content Strategy: Strategy for a better SEO, to improve Backlinks and for
Content Optimization, Content Marketing tools, listing of potential Contents
(sources and goals for each), Editorial line, Channels, Frequency of
distribution, Planification, ...
For more informations about our services, feel free to contact us.Projets en Stratégie de contenu (5) Clients en Stratégie de contenu (5) IBAHôpitaux et Santé | internationalIBAHôpitaux et Santé | internationalIBAHôpitaux et Santé | internationalDocapostAutres | international
En savoir plus sur Stratégie de contenuDescription LAUNCHING, RUNNING, MONITORING, REPORTING:
Growth Hacking
¤ Daily follow-up of the Growth Hacking campaigns.
¤ Sprint phases: Assesment + Reporting (Every 2 Weeks).
¤ Reporting comprising an e-mail with the detailed analysis of GA statistics,
Facebook and Twitter, .. For the campaigning operations in Growth Hacking.
¤ Notification of strategy changes in Growth Hacking following the observation
of results.
Content Marketing
¤ Daily monitoring of the Content Marketing campaigns.
¤ Reporting (Every 2 Weeks) including an e-mail with detailed analysis of the
statistics for the Content Marketing campaigns.
Content Production
¤ Creation of content in agreement with the recommendation.Compétences en Réseaux sociaux (1) Growth Hacking
En savoir plus sur Réseaux sociauxDescription Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.
Compétences en E-commerce (1) Acquisition de Traffic
En savoir plus sur E-commerceDescription Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.
En savoir plus sur MarketingDescription Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.
Compétences en Stratégie digitale (2) Acquisition de trafficTransition digitale
En savoir plus sur Stratégie digitale
5 membres dans l'équipe de RIGHT BRAIN
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1 Avis clients pour RIGHT BRAIN
(1 avis clients)
Charlotte Vandoocommunication chez Entraide et Fraternité
Une agence à l'écoute des besoins de ses clients.
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Coordonnées de RIGHT BRAIN
- Siège socialChemin du Cyclotron 6, 1348 Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
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- Conseillers Sortlist
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