Luna (+ 14 Avis clients) | Sortlist
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Hoeilaart, Belgique
Your Communication Partner!
Wens je meer of andere klanten? Een sterk(er) imago? Luna is jouw one-stop-shop voor een waaier aan (niet-betalende) communicatieactiviteiten. Als veelzijdige partner zetten we je bedrijf in the picture. Souhaitez-vous changer, augmenter votre clientèle ou développer une image forte ? Luna est votre guichet unique pour une pléiade d’activités de communication. En tant que partenaire polyvalent, nous mettons votre entreprise en lumière. Do you want to win new clients or build a stronger image? Luna is your one-stop-shop for a wide range of editorial and other communication activities. We put your company in the spotlight! Onze troeven | Nos atouts | Our strengths: • Meedenken |Nous vous accompagnons dans votre réflexion | We think along with you • Proactief | Proactivité | Proactive • Creatief | Créativité | Creative • Drietalig | Trilinguisme | Trilingual Wat we doen | Ce que nous faisons | What we do: • PR • Content marketing and copywriting • Business development • Internal communication We would love to work with you! Nous aimerions travailler pour vous ! Details of our services, as well as some of our clients, are provided below. To request an offer, write to We can help you with all your communication activities: • Press relations (PwC, BVBO/APEG, eWON, Look&Fin, Monizze) • Crisis communication (Van In, BKCP, BCC Corporate, MediaMarkt) • Newsletters (LCL, Globis, Expense Reduction Analysts) • Websites (TDM3, Paradigmo, • Campaigns (CNG, KMDA, Switch) • Customer case studies (Eezee-IT, Megabyte, Orone) • Social media (LCL,, ADD, Amazings) • E-mail marketing (Callens, Altares Dun & Bradstreet) • Employer Branding (Conxion, PwC) • Internal Communication (Cohezio, Prodware, Trevi) • Brochures (ADD, SimCorp, CD&V) We have experience in a wide range of sectors: • IT (Inetum-Realdolmen, Lab9, Amplexor) • Telecom (LCL, Sewan, Evonet, Verixi, Hexacom) • Energy and utilities (Mega, Frank Energie, Synergrid,, Mega, Energik) • Retail (Lab9, Checkpoint Systems, easy-m/Switch, e5 mode) • Financial industry (Goudwisselkantoor/Comptoir de l'Or, Marsh, Leleux Associated Brokers, Fédérale Assurance) • Services (IPG, Harvest Group) • HR (Group S, Monster, Mercer, INC, Dehora) • Transport and logistics (Transporeon, Globis, Routing International) • Construction (Mapei, Vaillant) • Public sector (Fedict/BOSA, DG Sport, La Sambrienne, WBC-Incubator) • Medical and pharma (FeBelGen, Domus Medica, Archemin) • Agriculture (Belchim, Bi-PA) • Real estate (Colliers, PwC, EasyDay) • Leisure and lifestyle (B-Loved, BodyMindWellness, Fun, Faculty Club, YourNature) • Associations (ETSA, ECG, Educam, GS1) • Non-profit (Restos du Coeur, Brailleliga/Ligue Braille, VVOB)
7 personnes dans leur équipe
Parle Anglais, Français, Néerlandais
135 projets dans leur portefeuille
45 collaborations commencées sur Sortlist
Travaille à distance à travers le monde
Membre Sortlist depuis 2016
Fondée en 1993
3 prix décernés
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4 services offerts par Luna

Nom du service
Niveau d'expérience

Avis clients connexes
À partir de

  • Description
    Luna creates visibility for you in the main media (traditional media as well as social media) and ensures this is geared to your needs. You can engage us to enhance your company’s image, increase your visibility or even position your company as an excellent employer. If bad news needs to be delivered, we ensure the damaging effects are limited by choosing the right crisis communication strategies for all your target groups. If you are planning an IPO or another major financial transaction, the right financial communication will help you to achieve your goal.

    Luna’s services are used by local businesses, international companies, government organisations, non-profit associations, federations and interest groups in every sector.
    Compétences en Relations publiques (RP) (90)
    PR ClippingStorytellingPRPublic RelationsInternal CommunicationSocial Media ContentMedia RelationsCrisis ManagementSocial Media ServicesPress Release+80
    Projets en Relations publiques (RP) (112)
    I4B: relations de presse, Content marketing - Relations publiques (RP)
    Leleux: relations de presse - Relations publiques (RP)
    PR-diensten voor Resto du Coeur - Relations publiques (RP)
    Your Nature: Communicatieproject - Relations publiques (RP)
    Avis clients en Relations publiques (RP) (13)
    Elly De Winter
    Manuel Colasse
    Philippe Denis
    Kim Ruysen
    Clients en Relations publiques (RP) (112)
    Federation of Resto du Coeur BelgiumAlimentaire | national
    I4B-The Belgian Infrastructure FundBanque et Finance | national
    Leleux Associated BrokersBanque et Finance | national
    Uitgeverij Van InÉducation | national

    En savoir plus sur Relations publiques (RP)

  • Description
    We translate your communication strategy into a digital strategy and interesting content for all your communication channels. You can get the attention you deserve with a content calendar full of items of interest for your prospects and customers!
    We write your new website content, and update it when relevant. We handle the translations for your website. En we add to the website dynamics by writing news items regularly. We work on specific projects, such as making the recruitment / employer branding information on your website more attractive and complete, or by creating an extra mini-website.
    We set up prospection funnels for you, with blogs, white papers/dossiers, social media content (written and visual) and campaigns, and client testimonials.
    Compétences en Stratégie de contenu (46)
    prospection funnelsocial media managementonline contentcontent creationweb contentwhite paperscontent editionSocial mediaShareable ContentContent marketing+36
    Projets en Stratégie de contenu (40)
    I4B: relations de presse, Content marketing - Stratégie de contenu
    Volta: Elektro Challenge PR Efforts - Stratégie de contenu
    PR-samenwerking met Van In - Stratégie de contenu
    Contentmarketing & copywriting voor UNIZO - Stratégie de contenu
    Avis client en Stratégie de contenu (1)
    Todde Fabrice
    Clients en Stratégie de contenu (40)
    I4B-The Belgian Infrastructure FundBanque et Finance | national
    Uitgeverij Van InÉducation | national
    SwitchVente au détail | national
    La SambrienneImmobilier | local

    En savoir plus sur Stratégie de contenu

  • Description
    Everything starts with a good story. Writing stories and texts is an art. Organisations that incorporate their message into a good story and manage to communicate it through the right channels, are one step ahead of the competition when it comes to corporate communications or product communications, for instance. We write for your different marketing platforms: online and offline, push and pull. Naturally, including SEO optimisation.
    Also: we write your new website content, and update it when relevant. We handle the translations for your website. En we add to the website dynamics by writing news items regularly. We work on specific projects, such as making the recruitment / employer branding information on your website more attractive and complete, or by creating an extra mini-website. We set up prospection funnels for you, with blogs, white papers/dossiers, social media content (written and visual) and campaigns, and client testimonials.
    Compétences en Rédaction et traduction (60)
    Online Contentblogsonline contentWebsite Copywritingwhite papersnews feed managementseo copywritingwebsite copywritingShareable ContentContent marketing+50
    Projets en Rédaction et traduction (77)
    Your Nature: Communicatieproject - Rédaction et traduction
    Westpole PR en Content Marketing Partnerschap - Rédaction et traduction
    PR en Contentmarketing voor Wesold - Rédaction et traduction
    PR-ondersteuning voor We Invest - Rédaction et traduction
    Clients en Rédaction et traduction (77)
    ColasseConstruction | international
    CTGTélécommunications | international
    BDM AntwerpAssurance | national
    DADDY KATEMarketing & Publicité | local

    En savoir plus sur Rédaction et traduction

  • Description
    SEO-optimised texts make all the difference for your website / online marketing. We can help you with that, within the broader picture of your content marketing strategy.
    Compétences en Référencement naturel (9)
    Search Engine OptimizationLocal SEOSEOOn-Page SEOWebsite SEOSEO CopywritingSmall Business SEOMultilingual SEOOrganic Traffic
    Projets en Référencement naturel (3)
    Website Redesign and Content Creation for QAA - Référencement naturel
    DADDY KATE Communicatie en PR Ondersteuning - Référencement naturel
    Baltimo website optimalisatie en contentmarketing - Référencement naturel
    Clients en Référencement naturel (3)
    BaltimoImmobilier | regional
    Qualified Audit Academy (QAA)Éducation | regional
    DADDY KATEMarketing & Publicité | local

    En savoir plus sur Référencement naturel

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7 membres dans l'équipe de Luna

Luna cover
HistoireLuna’s team is ready to serve our customers proactively, creatively and with an entrepreneurial spirit. Most team members have prior experience in a communication role or as a journalist, and know how to get things done. The warm and caring core team consists of 3 native French speakers and 4 native Dutch speakers.
Contactez facilement l'équipe de Luna.

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Luna a été récompensé 3 fois

Prime à la consultance (Bruxelles)2023-5-31Bruxelles Economie et Emploi
Chèque-entreprise (Wallonie)2023-5-30prestataire labellisé
IPRN2023-6-1International PR Network

Avis clients

14 Avis clients pour Luna

(14 avis clients)
Kim RuysenCEO chez Trevi
ServiceRelations publiques (RP)

We can rely on Luna for creative ideas and concrete solutions. They come up with the best news angles for our press releases to maximise coverage. They are also the right party to guide us through crisis communications or simply sensitive communications such as takeovers. Furthermore, they always look for ways to unburden us as much as possible and we really appreciate that.

ServiceRelations publiques (RP)

Manon Debrulle
Manon DebrulleGestionnaire Marketing et Communication chez SoluCalc
ServiceRelations publiques (RP)

Quel était l'objectif de votre collaboration ?We were looking for a press agency to start communicating with the press.

Qu'avez-vous le plus apprécié pendant votre collaboration ?The collaboration between Luna and SoluCalc has started very well. Our account manager listens to our needs and adapts to our overloaded schedule so that the press projects progress without us feeling too much pressure. We really appreciate that.”

Manon Debrulle recommande cette agence

ServiceRelations publiques (RP)

Raphaël MathieuChief Executive Officer chez We Invest
ServiceRelations publiques (RP)
SecteurBanque et Finance

"Thanks to Luna, we were able to develop our brand awareness in Belgium, both in Wallonia and Flanders. They have an expertise we couldn't have internally, and which allowed us to reach the entire national press."

ServiceRelations publiques (RP)
SecteurBanque et Finance

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Coordonnées de Luna


  • Siège socialSteenbergstraat 26, 1560 Hoeilaart, Belgium

  • 4ième Rue 33, 6040 Charleroi, Belgium
