Bluecorp, Saint-Gilles | Sortlist
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Saint-Gilles, Belgique
Bluecorp's proposal is to set up for her customers a 100% dedicated offshore development team, leveraging her world-class facility and proven processes and reporting structure. It will be an extension of customer's own facility, available to them at a reduced and pre-defined contractual cost. Bluecorp is a branch of Redcorp, the Belgian market leader in the distribution of IT material to businesses. Since 1997, we have established our own offices in Asia to facilitate recruitment of qualified personnel.Today, Bluecorp puts over 150 IT specialists at your disposal.Bluecorp (#331) has signed the Charte eTIC together with more than 400 suppliers of IT services in Belgium, France and Luxembourg to promote an enhancement of the level of their services. A summary of their commitments can be found here.All shortcomings to that commitment for quality can be reported to: plainte@charte-etic.beBluecorp is a founding member of the Fédération des Développeurs Web, the French-speaking division of Feweb vzw and commited to abide by its code of conduct . Bluecorp's Managing Director, Benjamin Beeckmans runs the Fédération des Dévelopeurs Web. Bluecorp is a Belgian company with a Sri Lankan-based subsidiary. Bluecorp provides IT-development resources to small- and mid-sized companies all over Europe and the United States.    By eliminating unnecessary intermediates costs and by providing local coordination, Bluecorp enters into long-term relationships with customers in order to help them extend their development teams while controlling their costs. As various technologies are required by our customers, we are looking to hire highly-skilled professionals in Sri Lanka who are experts in the particular technologies. Not only are we cautious about hiring the best professionals available but also to continue to train them to stay close to all technologic evolutions they are facing. This is the reason why we do ask all of them to get the latest certifications in their respective technologies : not only for the quality assurance it gives to our customers but also to have the best skilled developers. We have certified developers in Microsoft® technologies, Adobe® technologies, Java technologies, Opensource technologies and are continuously looking at those certifications. More than that, those certifications are part of everyone's objective on a yearly basis. Specialties Outsourcing, Software development, Small & Midsize companies, Java developments, .NET Developments, Mobile Developments, PHP Developments, DBA Specialists, System Engineers & System Administrators, Python Developments
15 personnes dans leur équipe
Parle Allemand, Anglais, Français, Néerlandais
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7 services offerts par Bluecorp

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  • Description

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    En savoir plus sur Application mobile

  • Description

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    Compétences en Application web (4)
    Développement PythonAssurance qualitéPhp DevelopmentJava Development

    En savoir plus sur Application web

  • Description

    Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.

    Compétences en Stratégie digitale (1)
    Marketing de Recrutement

    En savoir plus sur Stratégie digitale

  • Description

    Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.

    Compétences en Publicité (1)
    Publicité Multiculturelle

    En savoir plus sur Publicité

  • Description

    Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.

    Compétences en Création de site internet (2)
    Php DevelopmentPHP

    En savoir plus sur Création de site internet

  • Description

    Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.

    Compétences en Innovation (1)
    Desarrollo Python

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  • Description

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    Compétences en Développement de Logiciel (1)
    Développement .NET

    En savoir plus sur Développement de Logiciel

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15 membres dans l'équipe de Bluecorp

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Coordonnées de Bluecorp


  • Siège socialRue Emile Feron 168, Saint-Gilles, Belgique
