In Brand Development we focus on Proposition and Behavioural Design. Consumer behaviour, distinctiveness, evolving cultural trends and brand purpose. We believe deep understanding of these elements is key in building solid brands. It paves the way for a clearer visual identity, better communication, brand naming or the creation of new products and services. …Methodology There’s no mathematical formula in Brand Development but there is need for rigor and process to get results. That’s why we believe in Process Design and Facilitation. We do our work in a start up mode. If new insights spring up, we are agile and adapt: it’s the useful outcome that counts, not the plan. …Creativity Methodology is nothing without imagination. Methodology provides a useful roadmap but in different hands it will lead to different results. Applied creativity doesn’t only lie in the hands of advertising creatives. Strategy must be creative to be useful. That’s why we call ourself creative brand strategists. …Working with you Collaboration is a kind of intimacy. Working together is all about trust and opening up. Exchanging knowledge, knowhow and inspiration. We use a range of tools to make that happen. Why is it important? Because ideas can come from everyone. Interested in what we do and how we do it? Talk to us!
3 mensen in hun team
Spreekt Engels, Nederlands
2 projecten in hun portfolioSortlist lid sinds 2017
Opgericht in 2002
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5 diensten aangeboden door SALVO
Beschrijving As creative brand strategists we help brands or organisations in determine a distinct proposition, create a clearer corporate or visual identity, find valuable communication insights or a name for new products or services .Skills in Branding & Positionering (2) Brand NamingVisual IdentityProjecten in Branding & Positionering (2) Klanten in Branding & Positionering (2) Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten AntwerpenKunst & Ambacht | internationalimecSoftware & Computer Services | international
Meer informatie over Branding & PositioneringBeschrijving Geen beschrijving opgegeven voor deze service.
Skills in Innovatie (1) Neuromarketing
Meer informatie over InnovatieBeschrijving Geen beschrijving opgegeven voor deze service.
Skills in Ontwerp (1) Naming
Meer informatie over OntwerpBeschrijving Geen beschrijving opgegeven voor deze service.
Meer informatie over ReclameBeschrijving Geen beschrijving opgegeven voor deze service.
Skills in Copywriting (1) Vertaling
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3 leden in SALVO's team
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